Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Down home cookin'!

A sick day at home, you want comfort food with no effort.
So the sick day menu included:
Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Brown Onion Gravy
Sauteed Garlic Mushrooms

Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Boil some chopped potatoes until they easily break when pierced with a fork (about 8-10 min). I keep the skin on.
Drain, put in a large bowl with freshly minced garlic (garlic powder for minimal work), a couple shakes of mixed dry herbs, pinch of thyme, and splash of soy milk. Mash!! You do not need to add salt because the gravy will take care of that!

Brown Onion Gravy
Very loosely based on this wonderful recipe. I was only cooking for myself so I just "eyed" the ingredients. If you do the same, make sure you have enough "milk" on hand, it thickens amazingly!

Sauteed Garlic Mushrooms
A staple at our "down-home dinners" growing up.
Get some mushrooms, any type (slice "button"-type mushrooms though), throw them in a pan with preheated olive oil and garlic powder (or if you have left over fresh garlic, put it in with the mushrooms! putting it in hot oil for too long gives it a bitter flavor). Sautee until desired consistancy.

I don't know why, but I wanted toast. With the garlic oil and mushrooms and gravy and potatoes... it was a great idea on my stomach's part. I just used some fresh baguette slices.

With a cup of OJ! Hey.. I was sick...
Not much to look at, but sooo satisfying. The garlic oil of the mushrooms soaked into the toast for some yummy garlic bread! I went back for seconds!!

I would do nothing different. It was perfect.


Anonymous said...

Toast is totally my favorite comfort food (one slice with butter, one with butter and PB), so it doesn't strike me as weird at all.


No Seriously said...

Thanks for coming back, I live for your cooking.